Discussion Rooms
The newly renovated floor includes 12 study rooms, a large lounge with comfortable armchairs, a bar, and more.
The study rooms are available for booking on the library’s website, starting 26.7.2022.
Students who require accessible entrance, please ask for assistance at the library’s desk.
Opening hours of the floor: 08:30 am – 15 minutes before the library closes.
Rooms 1,4 for groups of up to 8 people
Room 10-12 for groups of up to 6 people
Room 6-9 for groups of up to 4 people
Room 2 for groups of up to 3 people
Room 2 for groups of up to 2 people
Access Library rooms booking system
Instructions on how to connect to a wireless display:
Enter the display settings by clicking the right mouse click on the screen of your laptop and selecting display options.
The computer will run an automatic search for the available wireless displays, select the one with the room number where you are sitting.