Acquisition, Cataloging and Classification

Many functions in the library are carried out "behind the scenes". These functions provide the foundation for the library's Patron Services and collections.

The technical services that perform these functions are: acquisition, cataloging and classification. They deal with the acquisition of books and subscriptions in the various formats and organize the collection so that our reades can access our resources in an optimal and efficient manner, 

Acquisition : Books and Serials

The Department deals with purchasing electronic, audio visual and printed materials.

The Acquisition team deals with every aspect of acquiring subscription/access to serials and journals as well as purchasing printed materials, E-books, monographs, DVD's, movies and other materials in accordance with the Library's collection development policy.

The Library's collection development policy's goal is to create a holistic collection in accordance with the educational and research needs of the Law Faculty. It is also our goal to create a collection that will serve as a foundation for future research.

In order to achieve these goals, the Acquisition team collaborates closely with the academic staff in the Law Faculty.

The Acquisition team also orders books and subscriptions on the research budgets for the Law Faculty as well as for the faculty's international and executive programs.

As a part of our close cooperation with the faculty, we actively encourage recommendations and requests for purchases from faculty members and students.


Cataloging and Classification 

The work of the Cataloging and Classification Department is to organize the collection. It enables you to find the items you want in the Library collection. Items that are purchased by the Acquisition Department are cataloged by this department and are logged into  Library's online systems, so that they can be easily located.

The books are shelved according to the UDC classification system. This system categorizes items according to subjects and sub-divisions. Books are marked by numbers and signs such as period, parenthesis, hyphen etc. These signs allow the marking of subjects, sub-topics, material types (monographs/a collection of articles), geographical locations etc.
The indexing is based on the Library of Congress Subject Headings system.



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