Israeli Legal Databases

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GCL - Global Comparative Law

Access GCL - Global Comparative Law

Hebrew translations of US, British, Canadian & Australian cases on securities, corporate and commercial law. 


Access Globes

Daily economic, business and legal news from Israel


Access Haaretz 

The digital edition of Haaretz daily newspaper. Israeli Newspaper in Hebrew. Daily Israeli and global news.

Including access to The Marker. 

Israel Law Reports - via HeinOnline (EN)

Access Israel Law Reports 

This Hein module includes the Israel Law Reports from1948-2010 (Title Varies: Vols. 1-10 (1948-1993) as Selected Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel).

Also available areVols. 1-47#2 (1966-2014) of the Israel Law Review. 

Kol Oved

Access Kol Oved

Israeli database on labour law and labour relations. The databaase includes Israeli labour legislation and cases relating to labour. Also available in this database are collective labour agreements, 


Access LawData

Israeli cases and Legislations, forms, pleadings and legal news. 

Laws of the State of Israel (free source by the Knesset)

Access Laws of the State of Israel

Published by the Knesset, this database includes legislation, bills  and related amendments and protocols in the Knesset. 



LGBTLAW (Hebrew only)


This is a free database developed in the TAU Buchman faculty of law. The database includes cases related to LGBT issues from Israeli courts, as well as legislation and articles on this subject matter.


Mandate Palestine’s Reconstructed Trademark Registry (1917-1948)

Access Mandate Palestine’s Reconstructed Trademark Registry (1917-1948)

Reconstructed database of the trademarks registered by the British Government during its control of the region.


Access Mekarkein

Israeli legal database dedicated to land law. The database includes full-text articles published in Mekarkein magazine, cases (full text & abstracts), decisions by the land authority and relevant legislation. 


Access Missim

Cases and Legislation relating to Israeli tax law. Articles published in the Missim Journal are available in full text. Also available tax treaties and memos from the Israeli tax authorities


Access Nevo

A comprehensive Israeli legal database that includes bills and legislation from all ages such as the official journal, cases from various jurisdiction, full-text legal literature (articles and books).

The database also has a unique collection of pleadings and a punishment meta-analysis system.

Requires setting up a personal account.

Otzar Hamishpat

Access Otzar Hamishpat

A collection of Israeli legal books and standing order titles for students and for the legal profession. As of July 2018, the database includes 251 titles. 
Another feature is the ability to search for cases using a subject index.

PIL - Regulation measures in Israel

Access PIL

A smart search system for Israel regulation in Insurance, banking and securities. 




Israeli cases and Legislation and other legal materials such as pleadings, decisions of various jurisdictions such as the Sela administration, land courts, the Antitrust authority, the State Attorney. Also available are protocols of Knesset committees and more. 

Versa - Opinions of the Supreme Court of Israel (free source; EN)

Access Versa

Translations into English of prominant Israeli Supreme Court cases by the Cardozo Law Schoos.

Cases on subjects like religion and state, judicial review, gender equality, human rights and national security in the age of terrorism. 

The cases are indexed, summerized and sre availabl in full text. A reference to the original case in Hebrew is also available. 

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