Loan Services

Loan of Technical Devices
  • New!!! mobile phone chargers for use in the Library
  • Laptops - for use in the Library
  • Ipads - 3 days loan
  • Ipad Keyboard
  • Calculators - for use in the Library. 
  • PC mice - for use in the Library
  • Headphones - for use in the Library
  • Gel Keyboard Wrist Rest Pad - for use in the Library

See the Reference/Circulation Desk


Book Loans

The Law Library offers the TAU community students and faculty, a wide collection of books for loan.

In order to check out books please present a valid student/faculty card at the Reference/Circulation Desk.


Checking out books from TAU libraries

TAU students and faculty may also check out books from other TAU libraries on campus.  Loan quotas are determined by each library.

In order to check out books from other TAU libraries please present your student card at the Circulation Desk of the Library.


Checking out Books from other University Libraries in Israel

A letter of commitment is available at the Reference/Circulation Desk. This letter allows you to check out books from other Israeli University Libraries.

This service is offered to the Law faculty and to Research Students.


Inter Library Loan

Students and Faculty of the Law faculty may request books and articles from other university libraries in Israel.

ILL request form


One Time Only Power of Attorney

Tel Aviv University students, faculty and staff may grant power ot attorney to check out books, to members of their immidiate family, under special medical circumstances. 
The Power of Attorney form is available at the desk.
​please fill out the form detailing specific books and send it to the circulation desk. 


Loan Renewal    

Loan period may be extended via the following:

  1. Automatic renewal by the Library. This is available for books on regular loan only. Books from the reserved collection and books that were recalled are not renewed automatically.
    Notice for books that were not renewed and should be returned, will be sent via email to your university email address.
  2. By phone to the Reference/Circulation Desk between 8:30 – 19:30,(or until 30 minutes before closing time) tel. 03-6408356/7.

Patrons should check their library cards for return dates for books on loan.
Please follow the Library's announcements for updates.


Nonrenewable books:

  1. Reserved books, including last/single copy (RS Coollection)
  2. Books on demand or requested books
  3. Overdue books.


Requesting a checked out book

Books from the general collection that are checked out may be requested via your library card, in DaTA or the Aleph catalog, as well as over the phone  03-6408356/7.

Reserved books that are on loan may not be requested.


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