
The Law Library has various collections, including books having specific loan terms or special conditions.

Reserved (RS) Collection – The collection is located at the entrance to the Library across from the Reference/Circulation Desk. The collection is dynamic and its content changes according to the reading requirements of courses in the Law Faculty. Books from this collection are checked out for one day only on an hourly basis. RS book loan is not extended automatically.


General Collection – The books on regular loan cover all subject areas in Law and related  fields. The collection is located on the two upper floors of the Library.


Israel Law Collection – Includes cases from various jurisdictions as well as Israeli legislation and Israeli legal journals. The collection is located in the passage way to the Minkoff Building.


Mandate Palestine Collection – Includes Mandatory legislation and cases in Hebrew and English such as the Official Journal, Appelbaum etc.


Jewish Law Collection – Includes the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, and books on Judaism and Jewish Law. The collection is located in the Jewish law halls on the ground floor at the far end of the W.A. Minkoff Building.


American Law Collection – American state and federal legislation and cases, including American legal encyclopedias such as American Jurisprudence. The Collection is located below the gallery on the ground floor next to the Reference/Circulation desk.


English Law Collection – English legislation and cases including the Digest. The Collection is located below the gallery on the ground floor next to the Reference/Circulation desk.


Rare Books Collection (SPE) – Including rare legal books from the 16th century. The earliest book in the collection is from 1575. The Collection is located in the Adv. Ze'ev Zeltner Research Room and the Dr. Yoel Zussman Research Room. Books in the collection are not for loan. Please contact the Reference desk for access.


The Foreign Law Collection – Legislation and cases from various countries, the UN and the EU. The collection is located on both sides of the main reading hall on the ground floor of the W.A. Minkoff Building.